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고성삼(삶) - 유투브 채널을 만들다 making Youtube channel

고성삶 Goseong LIFE

by Blanksdesign 2020. 11. 17. 01:15



지난겨울 난 유튜브 채널을 하나 오픈했다.

Last winter I opened a YouTube channel.

최근 농촌으로 이주해서 살고 싶어 하는 도시의 사람들이 많아졌다. 하지만 다들 막연하게 시골에 가면 뭐하고 살지 라고 고민을 많이 하는 것 같다.

Recently, more and more people in cities want to move to rural areas. But everyone seems to think a lot about what to do in the countryside.

우리 가족이 살아가는 얘기와 주변에서 벌어지는 작은 일상들을 카메라에 담고 그것이 이주를 원하는 사람들에게 작은 도움이 될수 있었으면 한다.

I'm filming the story of my family and the small daily life around me and hope to help those who want to move like me.

오픈한 지 꽤 시간이 지났지만, 오픈 직후에 여름 시즌으로 이래저래 숍이 바빠지면서 한동안 카메라를 잡을 수가 없었다. 그렇게 바쁘게 5~10월을 보내고, 이제 조금 시간이 생기는 것 같아 다시 영상을 찍기 시작했다.

It's been a while since it opened, but right after the opening, the shop was busy with the summer season and couldn't make a time to make it for a while. After spending May and October so busily, I started filming again because I think I have some time now.


최근에는 서울에서 함께 20대를 보냈던 동생이 이곳으로 와서 함께 종종 낚시를 다니는데, 동생과 함께 했던 쭈꾸미 낚시를 콘텐츠로 짧은 클립을 하나 만들어서 올려봤다.

Recently, 'Heeya' who spent his 20s in Seoul together, often comes here and goes fishing together, and I made a short clip of webfoot octopus fishing with him and uploaded it.



아마도 이제 종종 함께 낚시도 하고 여러 가지 영상을 많이 찍어 볼 예정이니 다들 관심을 가져 줬으면 좋겠다.

I think we're going to go fishing together often and take some videos, so I hope everyone pays attention.


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